How To Ensure Data Security Using Basic Steps


The technology has made everything transparent and vulnerable. It owes to the reason that it has given the people consciousness to get into the affairs of people without letting them know even.


So, the technology is used to break the technological resources of data storage. The information security is compromised to gain personal advantages.


In this way, you show concern about modern-day hackers; theft should not be the only area of concern for you; sheer destruction also motivates many of them, which is even worse.




No doubt, prevention is better than cure when it comes to the issues of cybersecurity. Undoing the damage done by a hacking event is far tougher, costlier and unlikelier thing to do rather than preventing such hideousness threats in the first place.


The soaring incidents of data breaches have made organisations inclined towards security solutions and data protection methods to ensure the integrity of data. Behavioural analytics has become a major source of nipping the potential threat into the bud.


The following ways can help you to protect your data:


Stay Updated to Ensure Pro-active Data Security


Keeping up with the latest hacking threats is the best way to go about it. Having a better understanding of looming threats can help you devise a better strategy to cope up with them.


Following industry’s top tech sites, attending seminars and workshops, listening to tech gurus’ advice are some of the ways to make sure you stay updated on what’s going on in the hacking world.


Improve Network Security


Hackers can also breach the security of a network through the users on a particular network. Make sure that:

  • Account logins expire when not used for a while
  • Passwords change frequently and regularly
  • All devices on the network are scanned for malware every single time they are plugged into the network
  • Reinforce Proper Access Controls
  • For present-day hackers, admin level of a website serves as an easy way to peek through the vulnerabilities to exploit; make sure you do not let a hacker see yours.
  • Go for intuitive and ingenious usernames and passwords, making it difficult for a hacker to guess. Sometimes, something as simple as changing the default database’s prefix from ‘wp6’ to anything hard to guess or limiting the number of login attempts might help you save your online identity.


Also, EDR UK can significantly help you to curb the menace of unsecured email serves to communicate confidential information because hackers can break into email accounts as well.


Inspect Admin Pages Regularly


One of the biggest mistakes to lure cyber bullies to your company’s website is to index your admin pages on search engines.


Resorting to important files such as robots.txt file can be a great way of discouraging search engines from indexing your admin pages.


It takes more time and effort for hackers to find and damage pages not listed on search engines right away.


Implement the Application Firewall


Web application firewall also referred commonly as WAF can either be software based or hardware based, which is set up between your website server and the data connection.


It is meant to read data passing through it. Like most other things, WAFs have also gone cloud-based these days, providing plug-and-play features.


See Also: How Firewalls Work And What Is Their Logic?


Once installed, a WAF can be one of the best ways to counter all hacking attempts in addition to filtering out various other types of unwanted traffic flow including spammers and malicious bots.  


Scrutinize File Uploads


Hackers are also very fond of gaining access to a network through file uploads. No matter how thoroughly they are checked, the possibility of bugs getting through file uploads can never be ruled out.


One of the simplest yet effective ways of dealing with this issue is by preventing direct access to uploaded files. Instead, host them outside of the root directory and access them using a script whenever necessary.


Implement SSL to Ensure Security


The transfer of personal user info between your database and website should never take place without using SSL encryption protocol, which will prevent the information being intercepted in transit through networks.


Concluding Remarks


In a world where software applications and communication networks are expanding like a fire, the safety and integrity of data have become more complex.


With a rapid increase in online businesses and information management systems, it is imperative to implement efficient tools and techniques to regulate communication network. Therefore, security information analytics are seen as the saviour in the wake of utter data uncertainty.


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