How To Secure Your Information System

People having malicious intentions may available around so be aware of their intentions, although identifying them is a bit hard, alternatively protect your data and information to be secure. To protect your information and data from such type of people, Information Security is been designed to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability for data.


Information is an asset for organizations and businesses. So information security can be applied as a set of strategies for managing all the processes that operate on the information. The strategy also covers the tools that are required for prevention of data and the documentation of threats to this particular information as well. All the organizations are in effect to prevent any single malicious attack on their data, however they are investing high amount of money to provide unbreakable security.


Information Security Dubai


Whether it is important or least meaningful to the firm, still the data need to be confidential and secure. Around the globe, all the organizations use security policies made internally for safety purposes. For information security Dubai, multinational companies usually keep a dedicated team of professionals to keep the information at the higher possible standards.


Core Information Security Principles:


There are standard information security principles available to ensure your organizational data safety. Every firm do have a unique collection of business requirements and security related goals. Based on this fact, the principles discussed above may not be the same for all.




Somewhat equivalent to privacy, the measures designed for the purpose of ensuring the access of sensitive information only to the right hands. Preventing the data from wrong hands and making it sure that the right hands will have full access to it. In effect, if the data can only be view, there must be a restriction even for the right hands, they will not be able to right and edit the data.


When the data is accessed by wrong hands, they may perform illegal activities and misuse the data for fraud and discrimination purpose. Almost every country has laws for protection of the confidential information in the working place and legal actions are been taken in case of violation.


Employee Information, Management Information and Business Information usually remain the confidential data for every type of organization and hence they enforce Information Security measures for safety.


Common threat sourcing that influence confidentiality are monitoring of a network, key stroke monitoring, stealing passwords and social engineering to pose as an actual user. To encrypt data in storage and transmission, use of network padding, implementation of strict data access control mechanism and training procedures for personnel using information system is the solutions for these threats.




Data integrity is mainly concern with file permissions and access control. Integrity maintains the consistency, trustworthiness and accuracy of data over the whole life cycle. The basic concern of data integrity is that, in case of any security breach, it is ensured that data cannot be altered or changed by unauthorized user.


Integrity of the specific data is protected when it is assured that accuracy and reliability of information is provided and the prevention of unauthorized access is denied as well.


Proper counter measures for data integrity is ensuring strict access control, intrusion detection and hashing in effect of the threat resources like viruses, backdoors and logic bombs.




Availability ensures the timely access and reliability of data and resources to authorized users only. The data must be made available in situation ranging from normal to disastrous. Mean that in all conditions data must be available and situation affecting data availability must be effectively handled.


The main threat resources in case of data availability are device or system failure. There must be alternatives in case when system is failed in a specific time and data availability is affected. Additionally, accessibility may also be affected with denial of devices and ecological matters including heat, cold, humidity and static electric current.


To maintain backups for replacing the damaged system, use of IDS for monitoring the network traffic and firewall and router configuration use are the solution for data availability problems.


Companies adopt specific information security policies to overcome the unauthorized access and alteration of data. Organizational-specific, issue-specific and system-specific policies are taken in account for information security Dubai based multinational companies. Using such strategies help a lot in preventing information system like identification of the same issues once in past and what type of procedure was used in response.

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