Secure Your Network System With A Secure Browser

Cyber threats are increasing day by day, closing your eyes and waiting for a miracle to happen won’t help you at all. What you need to do is to pull your socks and get going to if at all you can do it yourself. The threat landscape has changed altogether with newly developed and more advanced ways being used by the criminals to have an entry in to your network are really at speed.



What you need to do to take cover against these stronger than ever and advanced then ever attacks in the longer run?


Consider these following steps which will really help you in the future to fight against the threats and network breaches.


Never use an insecure browser:-


You go online through a browser and this thing demands great attention. Never go for old and non-updated versions because vulnerabilities in the browsers really set your security system design at bay. Vulnerabilities in the browser let the hackers to have access to the network through usernames, passwords and web addresses you visit.

To secure your network try these,


Latest version or updated:-


Always make sure the browser is updated and you are using the latest version of it. Install latest updates. This is an important step to keep you safe from cyber criminals who are always on the look for weak links in any network.


Secure Browser


Private browsing session:-


Always go for private browsing session when you are looking to visit a site about which you are not entirely sure. When you choose this navigation setting your browsing details are not stored anywhere.


Specialized browsers:-


If you are not about any browser or are having any kind of problems you can opt for specialized browsers specifically made by antivirus companies to make you safe and away from all threats. These include Bitefender’s safepay, Epic privacy browser and Comodo’s Dragon browser, etc. 




Use secure site:-


For any kind of sensitive and financial matters always choose secure sites. The first thing you should notice while visiting a site is that the web address should always start with https:// and not only with “http” or anything else.


Importance of S:-


The “s” stands for secure socket layer in the https://. It means that the site which you are using is safe and the data received and sent both are end to end encrypted.


Add-on permissions:-


For the integrity of your security system Design always think twice before granting permissions to the add-ons and any other extensions on the browser as it can hurt you badly if the permission is given to any wrong part.


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